
The Markshall snowdrop collection is home to a number of varieties of snowdrop. The largest contingent are Galanthus nivalis ‘Flore Pleno’. These double snowdrops are hardy and enjoy moist soil that doesn’t dry out in summer, making Robin’s Grove and other woodlands the ideal home for them.

Galanthus elwesii, the “greater snowdrop” is another variety that can be found in the impressive snowdrop display at Robin’s grove. It has pollen rich flowers and is known for attracting bees.

Since the Markshall charitable trust was established in 1971, the arboretum and horticulture team has expanded the display each year by lifting and dividing the clumps in March after flowering. This expansion work has transformed Robin’s Grove into one of the most impressive snowdrop displays in Essex.

Where can I find the Snowdrops at Markshall?

The snowdrops can be found in Robin’s Grove, approximately a twenty-minute walk from the Visitor Centre and Admissions.

Via the Wild Wood and the Ornamental lakes

From the Visitor Centre, follow Robin’s Brook up to the ornamental lake. Explore the Wild Wood before wandering up the mowed path towards Chestnut Chase (18 on your visitor map).

Hard path route

From the Visitor Centre, follow the hard paths through the Birkett Long Millennium Walk, then cross the bridge over Robin’s Brook and you will arrive at Robin’s Grove.



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