

Venue: Coggeshall Conservative Club

Entry fee: £3 for adults and £2 for children


  • 11am – Registration and collect quiz sheets
  • 12noon – Bar opens
  • 12.30pm – Burgers and hot dogs on sale
  • 2.30pm – Prizegiving and raffle draw (tickets on sale throughout the day)

This Treasure Hunt Trail is being organised to raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support, a charity close to Jenny Goodson and John McArthur. Together Jenny and John have both fought cancer and now are doing what they can to give back to MacMillan. In previous years they have walked 26 miles along Hadrian’s Wall, paddled an impressive 35km 3 Lakes Kayak Challenge and cycled 2o0 miles from London to Paris.

If you can’t make the event but would like to make a donation, please visit:


All facilities

Key Facilities
  • Refreshments Refreshments
  • Toilets Toilets

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