We are so excited that this website is now live! It is something we have been working on in the background for a little while. However, things got a little busy and sadly we just didn’t have the time to really focus on it.
Where this website came from
To give a quick bit of background (although you can read more about how this website came to be here), this website has been developed by We Create Digital. We are based in Coggeshall and are a digital agency. Given what we do, we know that having a presence online can do so much for a business. So why do villages and towns not always do this? Often it comes down to money sadly. But we decided not to let that get in our way. The only way to do it was to do it for free.
We have been working on this in our own time and using our team (when client work allows) to get it ready. That has meant quite a few late evenings but we think it is completely worth it. The result is hopefully a new website that doesn’t focus on business or community alone. Instead, it brings everything together into one place. So if you need a service as someone who lives here, or if you are passing through and want to find something to do, then your questions will be answered.
What you can expect to see here
Our plans for the news section of this website are to have some guest authors sharing interesting information, such as more about the history of Coggeshall or reviews of local businesses. It will also feature relevant issues such as developments or campaigns. We hope not to get too political, but where something is going to have an impact on Coggeshall, then this will be a platform to help raise awareness or spread the word.
Want to get involved?
We’re keen as well for this website to turn into something that people feel like they have a part in. So if you want to help or contribute in any way, then please get in touch. We would love to have people volunteering to add listings for local businesses or writing posts about things they find interesting in Coggeshall. Simply ask and if we think it works, we will go for it!