Make & Grow Show / Eco Fair

This year has not been the year any of us expected. Many of us have been worried about our health, our families, friends, communities, the economy etc. It is a long list. So many things we had been looking forward to have been cancelled and it doesn’t feel like our lives are going to return to normal for a little while longer.

However, there are some plans that are still going ahead and one event will be taking place on 13th September in the Recreation Ground. This will be a Make & Grow Show combined with an Eco Fair. The two events were originally meant to be spread out over the weekend, but it just hasn’t been possible logistically. The amount of additional work that is going into preparing this event has shown that trying to do two of them was going to be a huge task.

This event will be a celebration of our environment and handmade skills. The Make & Grow Show will have a number of categories covering fruit, vegetable, flowers, art and baking and has something to offer all ages. It is completely free to enter and winners will get rosettes to treasure from this peculiar time. As so many people have been planting in their garden and learning how to make and create new things, the event will be a chance to see what everyone has been up to!

The Eco Fair will see over 20 stalls set up for local producers and other organisations, who either do business or produce their creations in an environmentally-friendly way. These will be spread out across the Rec so you can learn more about how you can make your house more eco, or pick up some sustainable t-shirts. The huge range of stallholders shows how being more aware of the environment can be done in many different ways, most of which are easy to incorporate into our everyday lives. Whether it is shopping at the Reco Store to cut down on plastic packaging or thinking about the environment when it comes to dental care, we are sure you will be learn something new.

Proceeds from the event will be going to the Big Park Project Fundraising Group. For more information on the categories, stalls or general details for the event, take a look at their website.


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